May 4, 2017: Communicating Effectively With Legislators

Thursday, May 4, 2017
12:00–2:00 pm
William K. Sanford Town Library (Colonie)   [Map]
629 Albany Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12211

This program will feature opportunities to learn effective strategies and techniques for communicating with legislators and ensuring that your feelings are articulated in a clear and robust manner. Observations of role-playing scenarios and a conversation with a New York State official will assist those in attendance to learn “how to make difference” when communicating with your elected representatives.

Those planning to attend the May 9th Spring Lobby Day will find this program especially helpful.

This program is a collaboration between Death with Dignity–Albany and Compassion and Choices New York.

The meeting is free and open to the public.

No program video is available.

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